family vacationBack view of a happy family on tropical beach; Shutterstock ID 152536469; PO: today-daivd

“Vacaaannnnnnces, I forget everything”, yes, except his family. Between family obligations and the desire to let go, conflicts can quickly appear.

Here are 10 tips to avoid clashes.

Establish rules

Cohabitation, especially in large families or blended families, is not always easy, hence the importance of agreeing, especially during the holidays!

Even during this period, rules must therefore be put in family vacation place, even if they will be more flexible than the rest of the year.

Find the balance

Doing activities together and separately, involving each member of the family in daily life, etc., having a good holiday requires finding the right balance where everyone must be able to find their place and feel good there. For this, communication and the famous family reunions are essential.

It seems obvious, yet on vacation, we are anything but zen, if we are naturally stressed at the base, if only because we are navigating in unknown territory and leaving our comfort zone. Will the rental be up to par, will there be traffic jams, etc. Do breathing exercises and avoid getting upset at the slightest unforeseen because there will inevitably be some.

Focus on music

Music softens morals, it is well known. With her, the holiday journey will pass much more quickly and above all will be done in a good mood.

On the vacation spot too, music will help create joyful moments and make memories. Summer 2019 Playlist…


One or two breaches of the “regulations” will not make you a bad mother but will certainly allow you to have a good holiday. Nothing to wash your hands nearby while the youngest wants an ice cream? It’s no big deal if he touches his ice cream with dirty hands (provided they aren’t very dirty of course. Likewise, letting him play with the phone to enjoy a drink allows him to relax without all the same to make his child a future asocial geek.

When you have children, the key is anticipation: water, compote, biscuits, sunscreen, caps, sunglasses, mist sprayer, bandages, disinfectant, arnica, change, etc. the survival kit is to be expected, especially if you go for the day. This will prevent panic and headaches.

If you only think about your rest and your pleasure, it’s a safe bet that you won’t be able to have either of them. To have time for yourself, you have to be able to occupy your children and make them happy too. So plan activities to do with your family and activities that will please them (tree climbing, amusement park) even if you are a moderate fan. They will then be more inclined to let you have your own time.

Make life easier

On a daily basis, the constraints weigh heavily and can hinder the serenity of a family. To be zen and promote good family holidays, do not hesitate to make everyday life easier: take more clothes to avoid laundry on site, avoid cooking, etc. These are the little extras that will really make it possible to enjoy life and relax everyone. You still have to know how to let go…

Take toys

An unavoidable rule so as not to have a bad holiday, take the children’s favorite toys. To do this, take the time during the preparations to involve them, to explain that you cannot bring everything, that you have to choose and that in any case, when you return, all the toys left at home will be still there. Your children will be able to occupy themselves during the journey or during the parent’s nap once there.

By admin

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